Auroral energy input from energetic electrons and Joule heating at Chatanika
Auroral excitation of optical emissions of atomic and molecular oxygen
Auroral images from space - Imagery, spectroscopy, and photometry
Auroral influence on ionospheric electron content
Auroral investigations by balloon-borne observatories during the SAMBO 1 campaign
Auroral ionospheric quiet summer time conductances
Auroral kilometric radiation - Wave modes, harmonics, and source region electron density structures
Auroral kilometric radiation/aurora correlation
Auroral kilometric radiation: Wave modes, harmonic and source region electron density structures
Auroral O I /989 A/ and O I /1027 A/ emissions
Auroral photometry from the atmosphere Explorer satellite
Auroral radar and rocket double-probe observations of the electric field across the Harang discontinuity
Auroral rays - Filamentation in the auroral accelerator
Auroral Spatial Structures Probe sounding rocket mission
Auroral vector electric field and particle comparisons. I - Preliminary convection topology
Auroral X ray observations at 60- to 30 km altitudes
Auroral X-ray and luminosity pulsations and microbursts measured during February 25, 1974 SAMBO-1 balloon flight
Auroral X-ray imaging from high- and low-earth orbit
Auroral X-rays and equatorial electrons in the morning sector
Auroral zone conductivities within the field-aligned current sheets