The Forecasting of 3G Market in India Based on Revised Technology Acceptance Model
The impact of energy constraints on the medium access
The Impact of Information Technology in Nigeria's Banking Industry
The Impact of New Technologies in Public Financial Management and Performance: Agenda for Public Financial Management Reformance in the Context of Global Best Practices
The Knowledge-Based Economy and the Triple Helix Model
The Lattice of Fuzzy Intervals and Sufficient Conditions for its Distributivity
The Light of Existence
The milling process monitoring using 3D envelope method
The model of the ideal rotary element of Morita
The morpho-topographic and cartographic analysis of the archaeological site Cornesti "Iarcuri", Timis County, Romania, using computer sciences methods (GIS and Remote Sensing techniques)
The New Embedded System Design Methodology For Improving Design Process Performance
The Physical World as a Virtual Reality
The Role of Management Practices in Closing the Productivity Gap
The Role of the XBRL Standard in Optimizing the Financial Reporting
The Sources of Certainty in Computation and Formal Systems
The Use of ITIL for Process Optimisation in the IT Service Centre of Harz University, exemplified in the Release Management Process
The Use of Rapid Digital Game Creation to Learn Computational Thinking
Through Silicon Vias as Enablers for 3D Systems
Through-Wall Tracking Using Variance-Based Radio Tomography Networks
To Optimally Design Microstrip Nonuniform Transmission Lines as Lowpass Filters