Using AMC and HARQ to Optimize System Capacity and Application Delays in WiMAX Networks
Using Existing Network Simulators for Power-Aware Self-Organizing Wireless Sensor Network Protocols
Using Neighborhood Beyond One Hop in Disruption-Tolerant Networks
Using Short Message Service (SMS) to Support Business Continuity
Using SMART for Customized Monitoring of Windows Services
Using the Modified Allan Variance for Accurate Estimation of the Hurst Parameter of Long-Range Dependent Traffic
Using topological characteristics to evaluate complex network models can be misleading
Using TV Receiver Information to Increase Cognitive White Space Spectrum
Using Wireless Sensor Networks to Narrow the Gap between Low-Level Information and Context-Awareness
Utility Maximization for Delay Constrained QoS in Wireless
Utility-Based Wireless Resource Allocation for Variable Rate Transmission
VANET Connectivity Analysis
VANET Routing Protocols: Pros and Cons
Vehicular Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks; Principles and Challenges
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
Verifiable Network-Performance Measurements
Vers un environnement multi personnalites pour la configuration et le deploiement d'applications a base de composants logiciels
Vertical Handover decision schemes using SAW and WPM for Network selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Virtual Coordinate Backtracking for Void Traversal in Geographic Routing
Virtual Machines and Networks - Installation, Performance Study, Advantages and Virtualization Options