L2 norm performance index of synchronization and optimal control synthesis of complex networks
laboratories for Data Communications and Computer Networks
Large Profits or Fast Gains: A Dilemma in Maximizing Throughput with Applications to Network Processors
Large scale probabilistic available bandwidth estimation
Large-Scale Time-Shifted Streaming Delivery
Lessons from Three Views of the Internet Topology
Let Cognitive Radios Imitate: Imitation-based Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio Networks
Leveraging Bus Mobility to Enable Communications in Urban Areas
Leveraging Social-Network Infrastructure to Improve Peer-to-Peer Overlay Performance: Results from Orkut
Light-Hierarchy: The Optimal Structure for Multicast Routing in WDM Mesh Networks
Lightweight Hierarchical Model for HWSNET
Link Delay Estimation via Expander Graphs
Link Enhancer for Vehicular Wireless ATM Communications
Link power coordination for energy conservation in complex communication networks
Link Scheduling in Multi-Transmit-Receive Wireless Networks
Link Scheduling in STDMA Wireless Networks: A Line Graph Approach
Livelock free routing schemes
LMEEC: Layered Multi-Hop Energy Efficient Cluster-based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
LMEEC: Layered Multi-Hop Energy Efficient Cluster-based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Load Balancing Strategies to Solve Flowshop Scheduling on Parallel Computing