P&P protocol: local coordination of mobile sensors for self-deployment
p-Norm Flow Optimization in a Network
P2P Domain Classification using Decision Tree
P2P IPTV Measurement: A Comparison Study
P2P Simulator for Queries Routing using Data Mining
Packet delay in models of data networks
Packet flow analysis in IP networks via abstract interpretation
Packet Scheduling in Switches with Target Outflow Profiles
Packet Score based network security and Traffic Optimization
Packet Skipping and Network Coding for Delay-Sensitive Network Communication
Packet-pair technique for available bandwidth estimation in IPv6 network
Pandora : une plate-forme efficace pour la construction d'applications autonomes
Parallel routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Parameters Affecting the Resilience of Scale-Free Networks to Random Failures
Particle Swarm Optimization for Realizing Intelligent Routing in Networks with Quality Grading
Partner selection in indoor-to-outdoor cooperative networks: an experimental study
Passive network tomography for erroneous networks: A network coding approach
Path Diversity over Packet Switched Networks: Performance Analysis and Rate Allocation
PC 2 Phone Event Announcer
Peer to Peer Networks Management Survey