Wavelength Assignment in Design DWDM Transport Network Using Algorithm BCO-RWA
Wavelet Based Semi-blind Channel Estimation For Multiband OFDM
Wavelets for Single Carrier Communications
WDM and Directed Star Arboricity
Web Conferencing Traffic - An Analysis using DimDim as Example
Web pages search engine based on DNS
Web search engine based on DNS
Web Server Benchmark Application WiiBench using Erlang/OTP R11 and Fedora-Core Linux 5.0
WebScript -- A Scripting Language for the Web
Weighted Max-Min Resource Allocation for Frequency Selective Channels
Weighted Soft Decision for Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
WeSSQoS: A Configurable SOA System for Quality-aware Web Service Selection
What more can be learnt about BitTorrent from meta-data files and uTorrent logs?
What type of distribution for packet delay in a global network should be used in the control theory?
When Should I Use Network Emulation?
Whether and Where to Code in the Wireless Relay Channel
Why Does Flow Director Cause Packet Reordering?
Why the Internet is so 'small'?
Wi-Fi, WiMax and WCDMA A comparative study based on Channel Impairments and Equalization method used
WiFly: experimenting with Wireless Sensor Networks and Virtual coordinates