Opportunistic Network Coding for Video Streaming over Wireless
Opportunistic Routing with Congestion Diversity in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Optical Multicast Routing Under Light Splitter Constraints
Optimal bandwidth-aware VM allocation for Infrastructure-as-a-Service
Optimal Base Station Placement: A Stochastic Method Using Interference Gradient In Downlink Case
Optimal Capacity Relay Node Placement in a Multi-hop Network on a Line
Optimal channel allocation with dynamic power control in cellular networks
Optimal Choice of Threshold in Two Level Processor Sharing
Optimal Content Placement for Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand Systems
Optimal Control in Two-Hop Relay Routing
Optimal control of end-user energy storage
Optimal Crosstalk Detection and Localization Method for Optical Time Division Multiplexed Transmission Systems
Optimal Delay-Throughput Trade-offs in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Hybrid Random Walk and One-Dimensional Mobility Models
Optimal Distributed P2P Streaming under Node Degree Bounds
Optimal Energy Management Policies for Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes
Optimal Filtering for DDoS Attacks
Optimal Filtering of Malicious IP Sources
Optimal Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks with Multiple Destinations
Optimal Node Selection using Estimated Data Accuracy Model in Wireless Sensor Networks
Optimal Organizational Hierarchies: Source Coding: Disaster Relief