Using Participatory Exploration to Engage Classrooms in STEM Learning: A Case Study Using NASA's Mars Student Imaging Project
Using Planetary Science to Motivate the Introductory Science Curriculum; the Solar System Collaboratory
Using Pseudo-Stochastic Rational Languages in Probabilistic Grammatical Inference
Using Rough Set and Support Vector Machine for Network Intrusion Detection
Using Science Fiction in the Classroom
Using Science Fiction in the Classroom
Using Scientific Grade Detectors to Produce Astronomical Images for the Public
Using Solar Filters with a Galileoscope
Using Sounds and Sonifications for Astronomy Outreach
Using state space differential geometry for nonlinear blind source separation
Using sunshine for elementary space science education: A model for IHY scientist teacher partnerships
Using the Astronomy Diagnostic Test to Identify Students' Preconceptual Knowledge
Using the Astronomy Diagnostic Test to Identify Teaching Strategies that Improve Conceptual Understanding
Using the Light and Spectroscopy Concept Inventory (LSCI) to Assess Learner-Centered Instruction and Instructor Professional Development
Using the Mars Student Imaging Project to Integrate Science and English into Middle School Classrooms
Using the Motion Visualizer Family of Programs to Enhance Classroom and On-Line Learning
Using the Virtual Design Center
Using the WWW to Make YOHKOH SXT Images Available to the Public: The YOHKOH Public Outreach Project
Using Virtual Astronomical Observatory Tools for Astronomy 101
Utilisation des grammaires probabilistes dans les tâches de segmentation et d'annotation prosodique