b-Bit Minwise Hashing for Large-Scale Linear SVM
Balloon Science: Towards Building a Strong Community of Scientists, Administrators and Educators to Promote Partnerships for Suborbital Research and Learning
Bandit Algorithms for Tree Search
Bandits with an Edge
Bayesian and L1 Approaches to Sparse Unsupervised Learning
Bayesian Belief Networks for Astronomical Object Recognition and Classification in CTI-II
Bayesian exponential family projections for coupled data sources
Bayesian History Reconstruction of Complex Human Gene Clusters on a Phylogeny
Bayesian Inference in Monte-Carlo Tree Search
Bayesian Model Averaging Using the k-best Bayesian Network Structures
Bayesian Multitask Learning with Latent Hierarchies
Bayesian Rose Trees
Bayesian Treatment of Incomplete Discrete Data applied to Mutual Information and Feature Selection
Bayesian two-sample tests
Beginnings of the Hat Creek Observatory and the 85-foot Telescope
Behavior of Graph Laplacians on Manifolds with Boundary
Behavioral endpoints for radiation injury
Best Practices for Modifying Astronomy Curriculum for Special Needs Students
Better Mini-Batch Algorithms via Accelerated Gradient Methods
Better Serving the Major and the Non-major