Mining the Web for Lexical Knowledge to Improve Keyphrase Extraction: Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data
Mining the Web for Synonyms: PMI-IR versus LSA on TOEFL
MINLIP for the Identification of Monotone Wiener Systems
MIS-Boost: Multiple Instance Selection Boosting
Misconceptions in Astronomy: Before and After a Constructivist Learning Environment
Model Selection with the Loss Rank Principle
Model-Consistent Sparse Estimation through the Bootstrap
Modeling Events with Cascades of Poisson Processes
Modeling Lunar Phases in the Classroom: A Hands-On Interactive Lesson
Modeling Multiple Annotator Expertise in the Semi-Supervised Learning Scenario
Modeling the Universe: Professional Development for Teachers Designed by NASA's Structure and Evolution of the Universe E/PO Program
Modeling the Universe: Professional Development for Teachers Designed by NASA's Universe Forum Education and Outreach Program
Modeling transition dynamics in MDPs with RKHS embeddings of conditional distributions
Modern Facilities in Astronomy Education
Modification of Multiple-Choice Assessment Items Based on Student Feedback
Modified Linear Combination Model for Atomic Clock Prediction
Monotone Conditional Complexity Bounds on Future Prediction Errors
Monte Carlo Simulations of the White Dwarf Populations in Open and Globular Clusters
MoonWorld: Implementation of Virtual Lunar Exploration