Correlations Between Ages, Masses, Sizes, and Colors of Globular Clusters in Spirals
Cosmic Deuterium and Social Networking Software
Cosmic Questions: Engaging science museum audiences with current astronomical research
Cosmic Ray Positrons from Pulsars
Cosmic Rays for High School Students
Cosmology and Globalization
Cosmology for Non-Science Majors
Cost-minimising strategies for data labelling : optimal stopping and active learning
Coupled Clustering: a Method for Detecting Structural Correspondence
Course Innovations for Space Science Curriculum
Course Management Systems: Traveling Beyond Powerpoint Slides Online
Covariance and PCA for Categorical Variables
Cramer Rao-Type Bounds for Sparse Bayesian Learning
Craniofacial reconstruction as a prediction problem using a Latent Root Regression model
Craters, Craters, Everywhere, or Lots of Spots to Think
Crayon Coloured Planets: Using Children's Drawings as Guides for Improving Astronomy Teaching
Creating a Community of Practice: Lessons Learned from the Center for Astronomy Education (Invited)
Creating an Instructor Presence in an Online Course at the Expense of Your TA's Life (A Small Price to Pay)
Creating Interactive Teaching Methods for ASTRO 101 That Really Work
Credal Classification based on AODE and compression coefficients