Use of a $d$-Constraint During LDPC Decoding in a Bliss Scheme
Use of Hamiltonian Cycles in Cryptograph
Use of self-correlation metrics for evaluation of information properties of binary strings
User Arrival in MIMO Interference Alignment Networks
User Partitioning for Less Overhead in MIMO Interference Channels
User Scheduling for Heterogeneous Multiuser MIMO Systems: A Subspace Viewpoint
Using Channel Output Feedback to Increase Throughput in Hybrid-ARQ
Using Distributed Rate-Splitting Game to Approach Rate Region Boundary of the Gaussian Interference Channel
Using Distributed Rotations for a Low-Complexity Dynamic Decode-and-Forward Relay Protocol
Using Information Semantic Systems for Absolutely Secure Processing
Using Information Theory Approach to Randomness Testing
Using Information Theory to Study the Efficiency and Capacity of Computers and Similar Devices
Utility and Privacy of Data Sources: Can Shannon Help Conceal and Reveal Information?
Utility Constrained Energy Minimization In Aloha Networks
Utility of Beamforming Strategies for Secrecy in Multiuser MIMO Wiretap Channels
Utility Optimal Coding for Packet Transmission over Wireless Networks - Part I: Networks of Binary Symmetric Channels
Utility Optimal Coding for Packet Transmission over Wireless Networks - Part II: Networks of Packet Erasure Channels
Utilization of commercial communications systems for space based research applications
Utilization of the world wide web