Unique and Minimum Distance Decoding of Linear Codes with Reduced Complexity
Unique Decoding of Plane AG Codes Revisited
Unique Decoding of Plane AG Codes via Interpolation
Uniqueness Analysis of Non-Unitary Matrix Joint Diagonalization
Uniqueness of Nonextensive entropy under Renyi's Recipe
Uniqueness theorem for analytic functions and its application in denoising problem
Unitary Differential Space-Time Modulation with Joint Modulation
Unitary Precoding and Basis Dependency of MMSE Performance for Gaussian Erasure Channels
Universal A Posteriori Metrics Game
Universal and Composite Hypothesis Testing via Mismatched Divergence
Universal and efficient compressed sensing by spread spectrum and application to realistic Fourier imaging techniques
Universal and Robust Distributed Network Codes
Universal Behavior in Large-scale Aggregation of Independent Noisy Observations
Universal Codes as a Basis for Nonparametric Testing of Serial Independence for Time Series
Universal Codes as a Basis for Time Series Testing
Universal Codes for the Gaussian MAC via Spatial Coupling
Universal coding for correlated sources with complementary delivery
Universal Coding for Lossless and Lossy Complementary Delivery Problems
Universal Coding of Ergodic Sources for Multiple Decoders with Side Information
Universal Coding on Infinite Alphabets: Exponentially Decreasing Envelopes