Secret Key and Private Key Constructions for Simple Multiterminal Source Models
Secret Key Establishment over a Pair of Independent Broadcast Channels
Secret Key Generation for a Pairwise Independent Network Model
Secret Key Generation From Mobility
Secret Sharing LDPC Codes for the BPSK-constrained Gaussian Wiretap Channel
Secret Sharing over Fast-Fading MIMO Wiretap Channels
Secret Writing on Dirty Paper: A Deterministic View
Secret-key Agreement with Channel State Information at the Transmitter
Secret-Key Generation using Correlated Sources and Channels
Secure Broadcasting
Secure Broadcasting over Fading Channels with Statistical QoS Constraints
Secure Broadcasting With Side-Information
Secure Capacity Region for Erasure Broadcast Channels with Feedback
Secure Communication in Stochastic Wireless Networks
Secure Communication in the Low-SNR Regime
Secure Communication in the Low-SNR Regime: A Characterization of the Energy-Secrecy Tradeoff
Secure Communication over Fading Channels
Secure Communication over Fading Channels with Statistical QoS Constraints
Secure Communication over Parallel Relay Channel
Secure Communications over Fading Channels