Step-Frequency Radar with Compressive Sampling (SFR-CS)
Stochastic Belief Propagation: Low-Complexity Message-Passing with Guarantees
Stochastic Control of Event-Driven Feedback in Multi-Antenna Interference Channels
Stochastic Differential Games in a Non-Markovian Setting
Stochastic Iterative Decoders
Stochastic Ordering based Carrier-to-Interference Ratio Analysis for the Shotgun Cellular Systems
Storage Coding for Wear Leveling in Flash Memories
Strategies and performances of Soft Input Decryption
Streaming Transmitter over Block-Fading Channels with Delay Constraint
Strong Consistency of the Good-Turing Estimator
Strong Secrecy and Reliable Byzantine Detection in the Presence of an Untrusted Relay
Strong Secrecy for Erasure Wiretap Channels
Strong Secrecy on the Binary Erasure Wiretap Channel Using Large-Girth LDPC Codes
Strong security and separated code constructions for the broadcast channels with confidential messages
Strong Spatial Mixing for Binary Markov Random Fields
Strongly Convex Programming for Exact Matrix Completion and Robust Principal Component Analysis
Strongly Secure Privacy Amplification Cannot Be Obtained by Encoder of Slepian-Wolf Code
Structural Routability of n-Pairs Information Networks
Structure of Optimal Input Covariance Matrices for MIMO Systems with Covariance Feedback under General Correlated Fading
Structure Theorems for Real-Time Variable-Rate Coding With and Without Side Information