Spectrum Sharing between Cooperative Relay and Ad-hoc Networks: Dynamic Transmissions under Computation and Signaling Limitations
Spectrum Sharing between Wireless Networks
Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio with Quantized Channel Information
Sphere decoding complexity exponent for decoding full rate codes over the quasi-static MIMO channel
Sphere Decoding for Spatial Modulation Systems with Arbitrary Nt
Sphere Lower Bound for Rotated Lattice Constellations in Fading Channels
Sphere Packing and Zero-Rate Bounds to the Reliability of Classical-Quantum Channels
Split-Extended LDPC codes for coded cooperation
Spread Codes and Spread Decoding in Network Coding
Spread Decoding in Extension Fields
Spread of Misinformation in Social Networks
Spreading Code and Widely-Linear Receiver Design: Non-Cooperative Games for Wireless CDMA Networks
Spreading Signals in the Wideband Limit
Square Complex Orthogonal Designs with Low PAPR and Signaling Complexity
Square Complex Orthogonal Designs with no Zero Entry for any $2^m$ Antennas
Square Root Law for Communication with Low Probability of Detection on AWGN Channels
Squeezing the Arimoto-Blahut algorithm for faster convergence
Stability (over time) of Modified-CS and LS-CS for Recursive Causal Sparse Reconstruction
Stability and Delay of Zero-Forcing SDMA with Limited Feedback
Stability of Iterative Decoding of Multi-Edge Type Doubly-Generalized LDPC Codes Over the BEC