Robust Adaptive Beamforming Based on Steering Vector Estimation via Semidefinite Programming Relaxation
Robust Beamforming for Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Systems Based on Quadratic Matrix Programming
Robust Beamforming for Security in MIMO Wiretap Channels with Imperfect CSI
Robust Beamforming in Interference Channels with Imperfect Transmitter Channel Information
Robust Coding for Lossy Computing with Observation Costs
Robust Coding for Lossy Computing with Receiver-Side Observation Costs
Robust Cognitive Beamforming With Partial Channel State Information
Robust computation of linear models, or How to find a needle in a haystack
Robust Distributed Estimation over Multiple Access Channels with Constant Modulus Signaling
Robust Distributed Source Coding
Robust Hypothesis Testing with a Relative Entropy Tolerance
Robust Image Watermarking in the Wavelet Domain for Copyright Protection
Robust Joint Source-Channel Coding for Delay-Limited Applications
Robust Key Agreement Schemes
Robust Lattice Alignment for K-user MIMO Interference Channels with Imperfect Channel Knowledge
Robust Linear Precoder Design for Multi-cell Downlink Transmission
Robust Linear Processing for Downlink Multiuser MIMO System With Imperfectly Known Channel
Robust Linear Transceiver Design for Multi-Hop Non-Regenerative MIMO Relaying Systems
Robust Locally Testable Codes and Products of Codes
Robust M-Estimation for Array Processing: A Random Matrix Approach