Noisy Network Coding
Noisy-Interference Sum-Rate Capacity for Vector Gaussian Interference Channels
Noisy-interference Sum-rate Capacity of Parallel Gaussian Interference Channels
Non binary LDPC codes over the binary erasure channel: density evolution analysis
Non prefix-free codes for constrained sequences
Non-adaptive probabilistic group testing with noisy measurements: Near-optimal bounds with efficient algorithms
Non-asymptotic Equipartition Properties for Independent and Identically Distributed Sources
Non-atomic Games for Multi-User Systems
Non-binary Hybrid LDPC Codes: Structure, Decoding and Optimization
Non-Binary Polar Codes using Reed-Solomon Codes and Algebraic Geometry Codes
Non-Coherent Capacity and Reliability of Sparse Multipath Channels in the Wideband Regime
Non-coherent Rayleigh fading MIMO channels: Capacity Supremum
Non-cooperative games for spreading code optimization, power control and receiver design in wireless data networks
Non-Data-Aided Parameter Estimation in an Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel
Non-line-of-sight Node Localization based on Semi-Definite Programming in Wireless Sensor Networks
Non-linear and Linear Broadcasting with QoS Requirements: Tractable Approaches for Bounded Channel Uncertainties
Non-linear index coding outperforming the linear optimum
Non-memoryless Analog Network Coding in Two-Way Relay Channel
Non-Parametric Field Estimation using Randomly Deployed, Noisy, Binary Sensors
Non-Shannon Information Inequalities in Four Random Variables