Impulse Radio Systems with Multiple Types of Ultra-Wideband Pulses
In Praise of Bad Codes for Multi-Terminal Communications
Incidence structures from the blown-up plane and LDPC codes
Incoherent dictionaries and the statistical restricted isometry property
Incomplete decode-and-forward protocol using distributed space-time block codes
Increased Capacity per Unit-Cost by Oversampling
Increasing Physical Layer Security through Scrambled Codes and ARQ
Increasing the visibility and publicity for data activities and assuring the open exchange of data
Incremental Redundancy Cooperative Coding for Wireless Networks: Cooperative Diversity, Coding, and Transmission Energy Gain
Incremental Refinement using a Gaussian Test Channel
Incremental Relaying for the Gaussian Interference Channel with a Degraded Broadcasting Relay
Independent Component Analysis Over Galois Fields
Independent signaling achieves the capacity region of the Gaussian interference channel with common information to within one bit
Index Coding and Error Correction
Index coding via linear programming
Indexability of Restless Bandit Problems and Optimality of Whittle's Index for Dynamic Multichannel Access
Indirect Channel Sensing for Cognitive Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks
Inequalities Among Logarithmic-Mean Measures
Inference from correlated patterns: a unified theory for perceptron learning and linear vector channels
Infinite Excess Entropy Processes with Countable-State Generators