Improved Quantum LDPC Decoding Strategies For The Misidentified Quantum Depolarizing Channel
Improved Rate-Equivocation Regions for Secure Cooperative Communication
Improved Redundancy Bounds for Exponential Objectives
Improved Source Coding Exponents via Witsenhausen's Rate
Improved Sparse Recovery Thresholds with Two-Step Reweighted $\ell_1$ Minimization
Improved Sparsity Thresholds Through Dictionary Splitting
Improved subspace estimation for multivariate observations of high dimension: the deterministic signals case
Improved Two-Point Codes on Hermitian Curves
Improved Upper Bound for the Redundancy of Fix-Free Codes
Improved Upper Bounds on Stopping Redundancy
Improved Upper Bounds to the Causal Quadratic Rate-Distortion Function for Gaussian Stationary Sources
Improvement of BP-Based CDMA Multiuser Detection by Spatial Coupling
Improvement of the Han-Kobayashi Rate Region for General Interference Channel
Improvement of the Han-Kobayashi Rate Region for General Interference Channel-v2
Improving Classical Authentication with Quantum Communication
Improving convergence of Belief Propagation decoding
Improving Energy Efficiency Through Multimode Transmission in the Downlink MIMO Systems
Improving PPM Algorithm Using Dictionaries
Improving the Sphere-Packing Bound for Binary Codes over Memoryless Symmetric Channels
Improving the Thresholds of Sparse Recovery: An Analysis of a Two-Step Reweighted Basis Pursuit Algorithm