Investigation on Multiuser Diversity in Spectrum Sharing Based Cognitive Radio Networks
Iridium® worldwide personal communication system
Irregular turbo code design for the binary erasure channel
Irregular Turbo Codes in Block-Fading Channels
Is the cyclic prefix necessary?
Is Witsenhausen's counterexample a relevant toy?
ISAR Image Formation Using Sequential Minimization of L0 and L2 Norms
Isochronous Data Transmission With Rates Close to Channel Capacity
Isotropic MIMO Interference Channels without CSIT: The Loss of Degrees of Freedom
Isotropy, entropy, and energy scaling
It takes half the energy of a photon to send one bit reliably on the Poisson channel with feedback
Iterative ('Turbo') Multiuser Detectors For Impulse Radio Systems
Iterative Algebraic Soft-Decision List Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes
Iterative Decoding of Low-Density Parity Check Codes (A Survey)
Iterative Decoding on Multiple Tanner Graphs Using Random Edge Local Complementation
Iterative Decoding Performance Bounds for LDPC Codes on Noisy Channels
Iterative Deterministic Equivalents for the Performance Analysis of Communication Systems
Iterative Estimation of Constrained Rank-One Matrices in Noise
Iterative Hard Thresholding for Compressed Sensing