Generating Functional Analysis for Iterative CDMA Multiuser Detectors
Generating parity check equations for bounded-distance iterative erasure decoding
Generating Probability Distributions using Multivalued Stochastic Relay Circuits
Generation of Efficient Codes for Realizing Boolean Functions in Nanotechnologies
Generation of Innovative and Sparse Encoding Vectors for Broadcast Systems with Feedback
Generic Approach for Hierarchical Modulation Performance Analysis: Application to DVB-SH
Generic Approach for Hierarchical Modulation Performance Analysis: Application to DVB-SH and DVB-S2
Generic Feasibility of Perfect Reconstruction with Short FIR Filters in Multi-channel Systems
Generic Optimization of Linear Precoding in Multibeam Satellite Systems
Geographic Gossip: Efficient Aggregation for Sensor Networks
Geographic Gossip: Efficient Averaging for Sensor Networks
Geographic Routing with Limited Information in Sensor Networks
Geometric approach to sampling and communication
Geometric Approximations of Some Aloha-like Stability Regions
Geometric symmetry in the quadratic Fisher discriminant operating on image pixels
Geometrical interpretation and improvements of the Blahut-Arimoto's algorithm
Geometrical Interpretation of Shannon's Entropy Based on the Born Rule
Geometrical relations between space time block code designs and complexity reduction
Geometry of the 3-user MIMO interference channel
GF(2^m) Low-Density Parity-Check Codes Derived from Cyclotomic Cosets