Gaussian Process Techniques for Wireless Communications
Gaussian Rate-Distortion via Sparse Regression over Compact Dictionaries
Gaussian Relay Channel Capacity to Within a Fixed Number of Bits
Gaussian Two-way Relay Channel with Private Information for the Relay
Gaussian Z-Interference Channel with a Relay Link: Achievability Region and Asymptotic Sum Capacity
Gelfand-Pinsker coding achieves the interference-free capacity
General Auction-Theoretic Strategies for Distributed Partner Selection in Cooperative Wireless Networks
General Classes of Lower Bounds on the Probability of Error in Multiple Hypothesis Testing
General Deviants: An Analysis of Perturbations in Compressed Sensing
General non-asymptotic and asymptotic formulas in channel resolvability and identification capacity and their application to wire-tap channel
General Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
Generalised Bent Criteria for Boolean Functions (I)
Generalised Bent Criteria for Boolean Functions (II)
Generalised Pinsker Inequalities
Generalization of the Lee-O'Sullivan List Decoding for One-Point AG Codes
Generalizations of Wei's Duality Theorem
Generalized ABBA Space-Time Block Codes
Generalized Analysis of a Distributed Energy Efficient Algorithm for Change Detection
Generalized Approximate Message Passing for Estimation with Random Linear Mixing
Generalized Belief Propagation for the Noiseless Capacity and Information Rates of Run-Length Limited Constraints