Capacity of Strong and Very Strong Gaussian Interference Relay-without-delay Channels
Capacity of Symmetric K-User Gaussian Very Strong Interference Channels
Capacity of the Degraded Half-Duplex Relay Channel
Capacity of the Discrete-Time AWGN Channel Under Output Quantization
Capacity of The Discrete-Time Non-Coherent Memoryless Gaussian Channels at Low SNR
Capacity of The Discrete-Time Non-Coherent Memoryless Rayleigh Fading Channels at Low SNR
Capacity of the Gaussian Relay Channel with Correlated Noises to Within a Constant Gap
Capacity of the Gaussian Two-way Relay Channel to within 1/2 Bit
Capacity of the Trapdoor Channel with Feedback
Capacity of Ultra Wide Band Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Capacity of Underspread Noncoherent WSSUS Fading Channels under Peak Signal Constraints
Capacity of Wireless Networks within o(log(SNR)) - the Impact of Relays, Feedback, Cooperation and Full-Duplex Operation
Capacity per Unit Energy of Fading Channels with a Peak Constraint
Capacity Pre-Log of Noncoherent SIMO Channels via Hironaka's Theorem
Capacity Pre-Log of SIMO Correlated Block-Fading Channels
Capacity Region of $K$-User Discrete Memoryless Interference Channels with a Mixed Strong-Very Strong Interference
Capacity Region of a State Dependent Degraded Broadcast Channel with Noncausal Transmitter CSI
Capacity Region of Finite State Multiple-Access Channel with Delayed State Information at the Transmitters
Capacity Region of Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channels with Common and Confidential Messages
Capacity Region of Layered Erasure One-sided Interference Channels without CSIT