Capacity of a Class of Linear Binary Field Multi-source Relay Networks
Capacity of a Class of Modulo-Sum Relay Channels
Capacity of a Class of Multicast Tree Networks
Capacity of a Class of Symmetric SIMO Gaussian Interference Channels within O(1)
Capacity of a Multiple-Antenna Fading Channel with a Quantized Precoding Matrix
Capacity of BICM Using (Bi-)Orthogonal Signal Constellations in Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband Systems
Capacity of Block-Memoryless Channels with Causal Channel Side Information
Capacity of Complexity-Constrained Noise-Free CDMA
Capacity of Cooperative Fusion in the Presence of Byzantine Sensors
Capacity of Differential versus Non-Differential Unitary Space-Time Modulation for MIMO channels
Capacity of Discrete Molecular Diffusion Channels
Capacity of DNA Data Embedding Under Substitution Mutations
Capacity of Fading Gaussian Channel with an Energy Harvesting Sensor Node
Capacity of Gaussian MAC Powered by Energy Harvesters without Storage Buffer
Capacity of Gaussian MIMO Bidirectional Broadcast Channels
Capacity of General Discrete Noiseless Channels
Capacity of Linear Two-hop Mesh Networks with Rate Splitting, Decode-and-forward Relaying and Cooperation
Capacity of Multiple Unicast in Wireless Networks: A Polymatroidal Approach
Capacity of Sparse Multipath Channels in the Ultra-Wideband Regime
Capacity of Sparse Wideband Channels with Partial Channel Feedback