Understanding edge-connectivity in the Internet through core-decomposition
Uniform sampling of undirected and directed graphs with a fixed degree sequence
Universal Sets for Straight-Line Embeddings of Bicolored Graphs
Unsatisfiable (k,(4*2^k/k))-CNF formulas
Unsatisfiable CNF Formulas need many Conflicts
Unsatisfiable Linear CNF Formulas Are Large and Complex
Unsatisfiable Linear k-CNFs Exist, for every k
Untangling planar graphs from a specified vertex position - Hard cases
Upper Bounds for the Number of Hamiltonian Cycles
Upper oriented chromatic number of undirected graphs and oriented colorings of product graphs
Using Grossone to count the number of elements of infinite sets and the connection with bijections
Verifying Sierpiński and Riesel Numbers in ACL2
Vertical representation of C{\infty}-words
Vertices Belonging to All Critical Independent Sets of a Graph
Very Well-Covered Graphs of Girth at least Four and Local Maximum Stable Set Greedoids
Violator Spaces: Structure and Algorithms
Visualizing Graphs with Node and Edge Labels
Voting with Limited Information and Many Alternatives
Watching Systems in graphs: an extension of Identifying Codes
Weighted distance transforms generalized to modules and their computation on point lattices