Tight Bounds on Information Dissemination in Sparse Mobile Networks
Tight lower bounds for the size of epsilon-nets
Tight products and Expansion
Tightish Bounds on Davenport-Schinzel Sequences
Time-Symmetric Cellular Automata
Tools for parsimonious edge-colouring of graphs with maximum degree three
Topological Dynamics of 2D Cellular Automata
Topological Dynamics of Cellular Automata: Dimension Matters
Toroidal maps : Schnyder woods, orthogonal surfaces and straight-line representations
Toward the Rectilinear Crossing Number of $K_n$: New Drawings, Upper Bounds, and Asymptotics
Towards a Group Theoretic Quantum Encryption Scheme Based on Generalized Hidden Subgroup Problem
Towards a Number Theoretic Discrete Hilbert Transform
Towards a theory of modelling with Boolean automata networks - I. Theorisation and observations
Towards Optimal and Expressive Kernelization for d-Hitting Set
Towards Optimal Degree-distributions for Left-perfect Matchings in Random Bipartite Graphs
Track Layouts of Graphs
Tractability results for the Double-Cut-and-Join circular median problem
Trajectory Networks and Their Topological Changes Induced by Geographical Infiltration
Transduction on Kadanoff Sand Pile Model Avalanches, Application to Wave Pattern Emergence
Transport in networks with multiple sources and sinks