The meaning of concurrent programs
The median of the distance between two leaves in a phylogenetic tree
The minimum linear arrangement problem on proper interval graphs
The Möbius transform on symmetric ordered structures and its application to capacities on finite sets
The multiobjective multidimensional knapsack problem: a survey and a new approach
The Multiple Permutation Problem and Some Conjectures
The neighbor-scattering number can be computed in polynomial time for interval graphs
The number of Euler tours of a random directed graph
The Number of Spanning Trees in Kn-complements of Quasi-threshold Graphs
The Optimal Uncertainty Algorithm in the Mystic Framework
The overlap number of a graph
The packing chromatic number of the square lattice is at least 12
The Pagoda Sequence: a Ramble through Linear Complexity, Number Walls, D0L Sequences, Finite State Automata, and Aperiodic Tilings
The Parikh functions of sparse context-free languages are quasi-polynomials
The Plane-Width of Graphs
The Poincare conjecture for digital spaces. Properties of digital n-dimensional disks and spheres
The Problem of Localization in Networks of Randomly Deployed Nodes: Asymptotic and Finite Analysis, and Thresholds
The quest for rings on bipolar scales
The Rank-Width of Edge-Colored Graphs
The Rectilinear Crossing Number of K_10 is 62