On parsimonious edge-colouring of graphs with maximum degree three
On Partial Opimality by Auxiliary Submodular Problems
On polynomial growth functions of D0L-systems
On Relating Edges in Graphs without Cycles of Length 4
On relaxing the constraints in pairwise compatibility graphs
On restrictions of balanced 2-interval graphs
On reversible cascades in scale-free and Erdős-Rényi random graphs
On scattered subword complexity
On Searching a Table Consistent with Division Poset
On Sets of Lines Not-Supporting Trees
On simulating nondeterministic stochastic activity networks
On Some Classes of Functions and Hypercubes
On some counting problems for semi-linear sets
On spanning maximum k-edge-colorable subgraphs
On spanning tree congestion of Hamming graphs
On Subgraph Isomorphism
On Symmetry of Independence Polynomials
On the Ancestral Compatibility of Two Phylogenetic Trees with Nested Taxa
On the bias of BFS
On the Category of Partial Bijections