REX: Explaining Relationships between Entity Pairs
RIOT: I/O-Efficient Numerical Computing without SQL
Ro-vibrational Collisional Excitation Database: BASECOL -
Rock Statistics at the Mars Pathfinder Landing Site, Roughness and Roving on Mars
Role of Data Mining in E-Payment systems
Role of latitude of source region in Solar Energetic Particle events
Romanian Solar Physics Research within the Framework of International Cooperation (1955-2005)
Romanian-Serbian collaboration in Astronomy
ROSAT discovered soft x-ray intermediate polars: UU Col and RX J0806.3+1527
Rosat reveals the large scale distribution of matter
Rotation of a High-redshift Galaxy and Molecular Hydrogen
Rotational spectrum of a chiral amino acid precursor, 2-aminopropionitrile, and searches for it in Sagittarius B2(N)
Rough Set Model for Discovering Hybrid Association Rules
RR Lyrae Variables in Stellar Systems
RTED: A Robust Algorithm for the Tree Edit Distance
Rule-based Construction of Matching Processes
Rules Applicable for Spectroscopic Parameters of H_2O Transitions Involving High J States
RXTE All-Sky Monitor Observations of GRB Light Curves