Recent development of the photoionization / PDR code Cloudy
Recent developments of the CHIANTI database in the X-ray wavelength range
Recent investigations on the accuracy of asteroid ephemerides
Recent Results from the NOAO Fundamental Plane Survey
Recursive n-gram hashing is pairwise independent, at best
Reducing Network Traffic in Unstructured P2P Systems Using Top-k Queries
Reducing Order Enforcement Cost in Complex Query Plans
Refactoring of a Database
Relation Strength-Aware Clustering of Heterogeneous Information Networks with Incomplete Attributes
Relational Algebra as non-Distributive Lattice
Relational Approach for Shortest Path Discovery over Large Graphs
Relational Association Rules: getting WARMeR
Relational databases for data management in PHENIX
Relational Lattice Axioms
Relational Lattice Foundation for Algebraic Logic
Relational Semantics for Databases and Predicate Calculus
Relational transducers for declarative networking
Remembrance: The Unbearable Sentience of Being Digital
Remote analysis of unprocessed IRAS data
Remote Sensing Applications for the Martian Fretted Terrain