Relating two standard notions of secrecy
Relations between semantic security and indistinguishability against cpa, non-adaptive cca and adaptive cca in comparison based framework
Reliable Process for Security Policy Deployment
Replication Attack Mitigations for Static and Mobile WSN
Report on the "Secure Vehicular Communications: Results and Challenges Ahead" Workshop
Reputation- and Trust-Based Systems for Wireless Self-organizing Networks
Resettable Zero Knowledge in the Bare Public-Key Model under Standard Assumption
Retransmission Steganography Applied
Reversible Data Hiding Based on Two-level HDWT Coefficient Histograms
Reversible Image Authentication with Tamper Localization Based on Integer Wavelet Transform
Reversible Logic to Cryptographic Hardware: A New Paradigm
Reversible Region of Non-Interest (RONI) Watermarking for Authentication of DICOM Images
Review of Lattice-based Public key Cryptography(Russian)
Review of syn-flooding attack detection mechanism
Revisiting Fermat's Factorization for the RSA Modulus
Revisiting LFSMs
RFID Authentication, Efficient Proactive Information Security within Computational Security
RFID Key Establishment Against Active Adversaries
Robust Audio Watermarking Against the D/A and A/D conversions
Robust Multi biometric Recognition Using Face and Ear Images