Spherical coverage verification
Spherical Layout Implementation using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations
Spreading grid cells
Spring Embedders and Force Directed Graph Drawing Algorithms
Squarepants in a Tree: Sum of Subtree Clustering and Hyperbolic Pants Decomposition
Stability in multidimensional Size Theory
Stability of boundary measures
Stability of Curvature Measures
Stability of epsilon-Kernels
Stability of Reeb graphs under function perturbations: the case of closed curves
Stability vs. Cost of Matchings
Staged Self-Assembly:Nanomanufacture of Arbitrary Shapes with O(1) Glues
Star Unfolding Convex Polyhedra via Quasigeodesic Loops
Steiner trees and spanning trees in six-pin soap films
Steinitz Theorems for Orthogonal Polyhedra
Straight Skeletons of Three-Dimensional Polyhedra
Strictly convex drawings of planar graphs
Studying Geometric Graph Properties of Road Networks Through an Algorithmic Lens
Substitutions for tilings $\{p,q\}$
Succinct Geometric Indexes Supporting Point Location Queries