Searching Polyhedra by Rotating Half-Planes
Self-Assembly with Geometric Tiles
Self-improving Algorithms for Coordinate-wise Maxima
Self-overlapping Curves Revisited
Semi-algebraic Range Reporting and Emptiness Searching with Applications
Separation-Sensitive Collision Detection for Convex Objects
Shallow, Low, and Light Trees, and Tight Lower Bounds for Euclidean Spanners
Shape Fitting on Point Sets with Probability Distributions
Shortest path problem in rectangular complexes of global nonpositive curvature
Signature Sequence of Intersection Curve of Two Quadrics for Exact Morphological Classification
Simple Agents Learn to Find Their Way: An Introduction on Mapping Polygons
Simple Methods For Drawing Rational Surfaces as Four or Six Bezier Patches
Simple Wriggling is Hard unless You Are a Fat Hippo
Simplification of cross-field topology
Simulated annealing for weighted polygon packing
Simultaneous Embedding of a Planar Graph and Its Dual on the Grid
Single-Strip Triangulation of Manifolds with Arbitrary Topology
Skeletal Rigidity of Phylogenetic Trees
Small grid embeddings of 3-polytopes
Small Strictly Convex Quadrilateral Meshes of Point Sets