Generative Prior Knowledge for Discriminative Classification
Generic Global Constraints based on MDDs
Genetic algorithm for robotic telescope scheduling
Genetic Algorithms for Extension Search in Default Logic
Genetic Algorithms for multiple objective vehicle routing
Genetic Programming for Kernel-based Learning with Co-evolving Subsets Selection
Geometric Algebra Model of Distributed Representations
Geometric Analogue of Holographic Reduced Representation
Geometric Data Analysis, From Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis (book review)
Geospatial semantics: beyond ontologies, towards an enactive approach
GIB: Imperfect Information in a Computationally Challenging Game
Gibbs Sampling in Open-Universe Stochastic Languages
Global Optimization for Value Function Approximation
Global preferential consistency for the topological sorting-based maximal spanning tree problem
Goal-oriented Dialog as a Collaborative Subordinated Activity involving Collective Acceptance
Gradient Computation In Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields Using The Entropy Message Passing Algorithm
Gradient-based Reinforcement Planning in Policy-Search Methods
Graduality in Argumentation
Grammar-Based Random Walkers in Semantic Networks
Granularity-Adaptive Proof Presentation