Calculating Valid Domains for BDD-Based Interactive Configuration
Can an Organism Adapt Itself to Unforeseen Circumstances?
Can Intelligence Explode?
Can the whole brain be simpler than its "parts"?
Can We Learn to Beat the Best Stock
Case Base Mining for Adaptation Knowledge Acquisition
Cauchy Annealing Schedule: An Annealing Schedule for Boltzmann Selection Scheme in Evolutionary Algorithms
Causal models have no complete axiomatic characterization
Causes and Explanations: A Structural-Model Approach, Part I: Causes
Causes and Explanations: A Structural-Model Approach. Part II: Explanations
Causes of Ineradicable Spurious Predictions in Qualitative Simulation
CBR with Commonsense Reasoning and Structure Mapping: An Application to Mediation
cc-Golog: Towards More Realistic Logic-Based Robot Controllers
Centric selection: a way to tune the exploration/exploitation trade-off
Certainty Closure: Reliable Constraint Reasoning with Incomplete or Erroneous Data
Characterization of Dynamic Bayesian Network
Characterizations of Stable Model Semantics for Logic Programs with Arbitrary Constraint Atoms
Characterizing and Reasoning about Probabilistic and Non-Probabilistic Expectation
Characterizing predictable classes of processes
Characterizing the Set of Coherent Lower Previsions with a Finite Number of Constraints or Vertices