Label Ranking with Abstention: Predicting Partial Orders by Thresholding Probability Distributions (Extended Abstract)
Lagrangian Relaxation for MAP Estimation in Graphical Models
Language, Emotions, and Cultures: Emotional Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Language, logic and ontology: uncovering the structure of commonsense knowledge
Large-Margin Learning of Submodular Summarization Methods
Le terme et le concept : fondements d'une ontoterminologie
Learning a Representation of a Believable Virtual Character's Environment with an Imitation Algorithm
Learning Concept Hierarchies from Text Corpora using Formal Concept Analysis
Learning Dependency-Based Compositional Semantics
Learning DTW Global Constraint for Time Series Classification
Learning for Adaptive Real-time Search
Learning for Dynamic subsumption
Learning from Profession Knowledge: Application on Knitting
Learning from Scarce Experience
Learning Geometrically-Constrained Hidden Markov Models for Robot Navigation: Bridging the Topological-Geometrical Gap
Learning in Real-Time Search: A Unifying Framework
Learning invariant features through local space contraction
Learning is planning: near Bayes-optimal reinforcement learning via Monte-Carlo tree search
Learning Multi-modal Similarity
Learning Nonlinear Dynamic Models