n-ary Fuzzy Logic and Neutrosophic Logic Operators
N-norm and N-conorm in Neutrosophic Logic and Set, and the Neutrosophic Topologies
n-Opposition theory to structure debates
NASA lunar surface habitat and remote exploration demonstration project
Nearly optimal exploration-exploitation decision thresholds
Neigborhood Selection in Variable Neighborhood Search
Nested HEX-Programs
NetNeg: A Connectionist-Agent Integrated System for Representing Musical Knowledge
Neural network ensembles: Evaluation of aggregation algorithms
Neural Network Influence in Group Technology: A Chronological Survey and Critical Analysis
Neural networks in 3D medical scan visualization
Neural realisation of the SP theory: cell assemblies revisited
Neural-Network Techniques for Visual Mining Clinical Electroencephalograms
Neuro Fuzzy Systems: Sate-of-the-Art Modeling Techniques
Neuronal Spectral Analysis of EEG and Expert Knowledge Integration for Automatic Classification of Sleep Stages
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New Error Bounds for Solomonoff Prediction
New Generalization Bounds for Learning Kernels
New Implementation Framework for Saturation-Based Reasoning
New Inference Rules for Max-SAT