Robustness in Gene Circuits: Clustering of Functional Responses
Robustness of circadian clocks to daylight fluctuations: hints from the picoeucaryote Ostreococcus tauri
Robustness of Cooperation in the Evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma on Complex Networks
Robustness of the Drosophila segment polarity network to transient perturbations
Robustness of Transcriptional Regulation in Yeast-like Model Boolean Networks
Robustness under functional constraint: The genetic network for temporal expression in Drosophila neurogenesis
Robustness, Stability and Efficiency of Phage lambda Gene Regulatory Network: Dynamical Structure Analysis
Rock varnish as a habitat for extant life on Mars
Rohlin Distance and the Evolution of Influenza A virus: Weak Attractors and Precursors
Role of anisotropy for protein-protein encounter
Role of Antibodies: A Novel Paradigm in Mathematical Modeling for Cancer Treatment
Role of ATP-hydrolysis in the dynamics of a single actin filament
Role of boundary constraints in DNA cyclization
Role of calcium and noise in the persistent activity of an isolated neuron
Role of clays in protecting adsorbed DNA against X-ray radiation
Role of correlations in population coding
Role of current and daylight variations on small-pelagic fish aggregations around a coastal FAD from accurate acoustic tracking
Role of electrostatic interactions in amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) oligomer formation: A discrete molecular dynamics study
Role of Environmental Conditions on the Interaction of L-Arginine with Oxide Mineral Surfaces
Role of Fe-S Cluster Mediated Radical Chemistry in Hydrogenase Metal Cluster Assembly