Proteins associated with diseases show enhanced sequence correlation between charged residues
Proteins in a shear flow
Proteins with greater influence on network dynamics evolve more slowly but are not more essential
Protention and retention in biological systems
Proteomic nonlinear waves in networks of transcriptional regulators
Protocell Self-Reproduction in a Spatially Extended Metabolism-Vesicle System
Proton Between Benzene and Water: Infrared Spectroscopy to Model Interactions at the Oil-Water Interface
Provenance and age of bacteria-like structures on mid-Palaeozoic plant fossils
Providing information can be a stable non-cooperative evolutionary strategy
Proximal Analysis of Regolith Habitats and Protective Biomolecules in Situ by Laser Raman Spectroscopy: Overview of Terrestrial Antarctic Habitats and Mars Analogs
Pruning the Tree of Life: k-core Percolation as Selection Mechanism
Pseudo-Random Fluctuations, Stochastic Cooperativity and Burstiness in Dynamically Unstable High-Dimensional Biochemical Networks
Psoriasis as a consequence of incorporation of beta-streptococci into the microbiocenosis of highly permeable intestines (a pathogenic concept)
Psoriasis as a consequence of incorporation of beta-streptococci into the microbiocenosis of highly permeable intestines (a pathogenic concept). Russian edition
Psychroactive methanogenic archaea as analogues to hypothetic microorganisms inhabiting subsurface Martian ecosystems
Psychrophiles and astrobiology: microbial life of frozen worlds
Psychrotolerant anaerobes from Lake Podprudnoye, Antarctica and penguin Spheniscus demersus colony, South Africa
PUB-MS - a mass-spectrometry-based method to monitor protein-protein proximity in vivo
Public communication strategy for NASA’s planetary protection program: Expanding the dialogue
Pulse-coupled resonate-and-fire models