Importance of a Martian Hematite Site for Astrobiology
Importance of chirality and reduced flexibility of protein side chains: A study with square and tetrahedral lattice models
Importance of dose-rate and cell proliferation in the evaluation of biological experimental results
Importance of Pressure for Prebiotic Peptide Formation: Implication to Origin of Life on the Early Earth
Importance of the interaction between sodium silicate and organic materials to astrobiology: alcohol-based organo-silicates as potential biosignatures
Importance of the iron cycle relevance to Mars exploration
Imposition of Different Optimizing Object with Non-Linear Constraints on Flux Sampling and Elimination of Free Futile Pathways
Impossible Extinction
Improved mass spectrometry compatibility is afforded by ammoniacal silver staining
Improved Network Performance via Antagonism: From Synthetic Rescues to Multi-drug Combinations
Improved Volterra Kernel Methods with Applications to the Visual System
Improvement of the solubilization of proteins in two-dimensional electrophoresis with immobilized pH gradients
Improvements and simplifications in in-gel fluorescent detection of proteins using ruthenium II tris-(bathophenanthroline disulfonate): the poor man's fluorescent detection method
Improving Earth-like planets' detection with an ELT: the differential radial velocity experiment
Improving ecological niche models by data mining large environmental datasets for surrogate models
Improving Estimates of Biospheric Effects of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Improving the Entropy Estimate of Neuronal Firings of Modeled Cochlear Nucleus Neurons
Improving the recombination estimation method of Padhukasahasram et al 2006
Imre Friedmann
In Brief: Mount Wilson centennial