Effects of competition on pattern formation in the rock-paper-scissors game
Effects of confinement and crowding on folding of model proteins
Effects of constraints in general branched molecules: A quantitative ab initio study in HCO-L-Ala-NH2
Effects of correlated interactions in a biological coevolution model with individual-based dynamics
Effects of demographic stochasticity on biological community assembly on evolutionary time scales
Effects of electropermeabilization and gene electrotransfert on the lateral mobility of a GPi anchored protein
Effects of embedding halobacterium sp.NRC-1 in salt crystals and potential implications for long term preservation
Effects of epidemic threshold definition on disease spread statistics
Effects of fast presynaptic noise in attractor neural networks
Effects of food web construction by evolution or immigration
Effects of gravity on spicule formation in cultured micromeres of sea urchin embryo
Effects of Growth on Dinitrogen on the Transcriptome and Predicted Proteome of Nostoc PCC 7120
Effects of H2O, pH, and oxidation state on the stability of Fe minerals on Mars
Effects of Hebbian learning on the dynamics and structure of random networks with inhibitory and excitatory neurons
Effects of internal fluctuations on the spreading of Hantavirus
Effects of intersegmental transfers on target location by proteins
Effects of kink and flexible hinge defects on mechanical responses of short double stranded DNA molecules
Effects of Langmuir Kinetics of Two-Lane Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Processes in Protein Traffic
Effects of local interaction and dispersal on the dynamics of size-structured populations
Effects of Long-Term Simulated Martian Conditions on a Freeze-Dried and Homogenized Bacterial Permafrost Community