Determination of important nuclear fragmentation processes for human space radiation protection
Determination of Lethality Rate Constants and D-Values for Bacillus atrophaeus (ATCC 9372) Spores Exposed to Dry Heat from 115°C to 170°C
Determination of Lethality Rate Constants and D-Values for Heat-Resistant Bacillus Spores ATCC 29669 Exposed to Dry Heat from 125°C to 200°C
Determination of the Partial Molal Heat Capacities of Dilute D-Glucose at Elevated Temperatures Relevant to Low Grade Hydrothermal Activity
Determination of the Volatile Components of Fluid Inclusions in Archean Rocks Using Micro-Crushing and Thermal Decrepitation Coupled with a Capacitance Manometer and Mass Spectrometer
Determination of the Volumetric Properties of Dilute D-Glucose Solutions to 50.0 MPa and 433.15 K
Determinative degree and nucleotide sequence analysis by trianders
Determining Oxygen Isotopic Fractionation between the ferrous sulfate, melanterite, and aqueous sulfate
Determining species tree topologies from clade probabilities under the coalescent
Determining the accuracy of spatial gradient sensing using statistical mechanics
Determining the DNA stability parameters for the breathing dynamics of heterogeneous DNA by stochastic optimization
Determining the stability of genetic switches: explicitly accounting for mRNA noise
Determinism, Noise, and Spurious Estimations in a Generalised Model of Population Growth
Deterministic and stochastic aspects of single-crossover recombination
Deterministic and stochastic aspects of VEGF-A production and the cooperative behavior of tumoral cell colony
Deterministic and stochastic regimes of asexual evolution on rugged fitness landscapes
Deterministic and Stochastic Simulations of Simple Genetic Circuits
Deterministic characterization of stochastic genetic circuits
Deterministic evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations
Deterministic excitable media under Poisson drive: power law responses, spiral waves and dynamic range