Discrete- versus continuous-state descriptions of the F1-ATPase molecular motor
Discreteness of populations enervates biodiversity in evolution
Discretization of Time Series Data
Discrimination of Aqueous and Aeolian Paleoenvironments by Atomic Force Microscopy- A Database for the Characterization of Martian Sediments
Discrimination of Membrane Antigen Affinity by B cells Requires Dominance of Kinetic Proofreading over Serial Triggering
Discriminative Topological Features Reveal Biological Network Mechanisms
Diseases spreading through individual based models with realistic mobility patterns
Disk Evolution In The Three Nearby Star-forming Regions Of Taurus, Chamaeleon And Ophiuchus
Disorder and fluctuations in nonlinear excitations in DNA
Disordered proteins and network disorder in network descriptions of protein structure, dynamics and function. Hypotheses and a comprehensive review
Dispensability of Escherichia coli's latent pathways
Dispersal and dive patterns in gravid leatherback turtles during the nesting season in French Guiana
Dissecting Subsecond Cadherin Bound States Reveals an Efficient Way for Cells to Achieve Ultrafast Probing of their Environment
Dissecting the Specificity of Protein-Protein Interaction in Bacterial Two-Component Signaling: Orphans and Crosstalks
Dissimilatory Iron Reduction by Microorganisms Under Hot Deep Subsurface Conditions
Dissipation and spontaneous symmetry breaking in brain dynamics
Dissociation in a polymerization model of homochirality
Dissolution cavities in upper Ordovician sandstones from Lake Ontario: analogs to vesiculated rocks on Mars?
Distance based Inference for Gene-Ontology Analysis of Microarray Experiments
Distance Maps and Plant Development #1: Uniform Production and Proportional Destruction