Directed exospermia: I. Biological modes of resistance to UV light are implied through absorption spectroscopy of DNA and potential UV screens
Directed exospermia: II. VUV-UV spectroscopy of specialized UV screens, including plant flavonoids, suggests using metabolic engineering to improve survival in space
Directed motion emerging from two coupled random processes: Translocation of a chain through a membrane nanopore driven by binding proteins
Directed panspermia - A technical and ethical evaluation of seeding nearby solar systems
Directionality is an inherent property of biochemical networks
Directionality of glioblastoma invasion in a 3d in vitro experiment
Directly interacting extra-terrestrial technological communities
Director's Welcome
Disappearing induced magnetosphere at Venus: Implications for close-in exoplanets
Discharge in the Martian Atmosphere, Implications for Instrumentation and Atmospheric Chemistry.
Discontinuities at the DNA supercoiling transition
Discovering Functional Communities in Dynamical Networks
Discovery and analysis of biochemical subnetwork hierarchies
Discovery of 3.2 Billion-Years-Old Sulfidic Black Shales: A Progress Report of the Dixon Island-Cleaverville (DXCL) Drilling Project in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
Discovery of a New Chert-Permineralized Microbiota in the Proterozoic Buxa Formation of the Ranjit Window, Sikkim, Northeast India, and Its Astrobiological Implications
Discovery of Abundant Cellulose Microfibers Encased in 250 Ma Permian Halite: A Macromolecular Target in the Search for Life on Other Planets
Discovery of water on the Galilean satellites by the Galileo magnetometer
Discrete breathers in nonlinear network models of proteins
Discrete breathers in protein structures
Discrete stochastic processes, replicator and Fokker-Planck equations of coevolutionary dynamics in finite and infinite populations