Correlations of Amino Acids with Secondary Structure Types: Connection with Amino Acid Structure
Cortical columns for quick brains
Cortical Dynamics and Awareness State: An Interpretation of Observed Interstimulus Interval Dependence in Apparent Motion
Cortical Factor Feedback Model for Cellular Locomotion and Cytofission
Corticosterone selectively decreases humoral immunity in female eiders during incubation
Corticothalamic projections control synchronization in locally coupled bistable thalamic oscillators
Cosmic carbon chemistry
Cosmic dust
Cosmic Far-IR Background Fluctuation Studies of the FLS
Cosmic Origins: A Traveling Science Exhibit and Education Program
Cosmic ray heavy ion LET mapping for aluminum, silicon, and tissue targets
Cosmic Ray Impact on Extrasolar Earth-Like Planets in Close-in Habitable Zones
Cosmic Ray Induced Formation of Oxygen Containing Prebiotic Molecules Within Mixed Ice-Mineral Interface
Cosmic Rays: A Review for Astrobiologists
Cosmocentrism and the Active Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Cosmochemical constraints on the origin and early geological evolution of potential extrasolar Earth-like planets
Cosmological evolution: spatial relativity and the speed of life
Cosmological panspermia
Cosmology and Experimental Gravitation
COSPAR needs for Planetary Protection recommendations for sample preservation dedicated to exobiology