The evaluation of directionally writhing polymers
The evaluation of protein folding rate constant is improved by predicting the folding kinetic order with a SVM-based method
The evolution and distribution of species body size
The Evolution of Dispersal in Random Environments and The Principle of Partial Control
The evolution of microRNA-regulation in duplicated genes facilitates expression divergence
The Evolution of Overconfidence
The Evolution of tRNA-Leu Genes in Animal Mitochondrial Genomes
The evolution of virulence in RNA viruses under a competition-colonization trade-off
The Evolutionary Reduction Principle for Linear Variation in Genetic Transmission
The existence of species rests on a metastable equilibrium between inbreeding and outbreeding. An essay on the close relationship between speciation, inbreeding and recessive mutations
The expected value under the Yule model of the squared path-difference distance
The Factors of the Classification of Protein Amino Acids
The failure of the law of brevity in two New World primates. Statistical caveats
The filling law: a general framework for leaf shape diversity and its consequences on folded leaves
The Finite Element Implementation of a K.P.P. Equation for the Simulation of Tsetse Control Measures in the Vicinity of a Game Reserve
The firing statistics of Poisson neuron models driven by slow stimuli
The First Passage Probability of Intracellular Particle Trafficking
The first peptides: the evolutionary transition between prebiotic amino acids and early proteins
The fitness value of information
The fixation probability of rare mutators in finite asexual populations