The rate of decline of CD4 T-cells in people infected with HIV
The rate of multi-step evolution in Moran and Wright-Fisher populations
The reaction-diffusion approach to morphogenesis
The Regularizing Capacity of Metabolic Networks
The regulatory network of E. coli metabolism as a boolean dynamical system exhibits both homeostasis and flexibility of response
The response of amino acid frequencies to directional mutation pressure in mitochondrial genome sequences is related to the physical properties of the amino acids and to the structure of the genetic code
The riddle of the plant vacuolar sorting receptors
The Risk Distribution Curve and its Derivatives
The risk of extinction - the mutational meltdown or the overpopulation
The role of asymmetric interactions on the effect of habitat destruction in mutualistic networks
The role of cell-cell adhesion in wound healing
The Role of Computation in Complex Regulatory Networks
The role of cooperative binding on noise expression
The role of haplotype complementation and purifying selection in the genome evolution
The role of incoherent microRNA-mediated feedforward loops in noise buffering
The role of inhibitory feedback for information processing in thalamocortical circuits
The role of input noise in transcriptional regulation
The Role of Life Cycle and Migration in Selection for Offspring Variance
The Role of Lipid Bilayer Mechanics in Mechanosensation
The role of M cells and the long QT syndrome in cardiac arrhythmias: simulation studies of reentrant excitations using a detailed electrophysiological model