Foldamers, Crowns, and Water: Connections Between Isolated Molecules and Solution-Phase Behavior
Folding is Not Required for Bilayer Insertion: Replica Exchange Simulations of an a-Helical Peptide with an Explicit Lipid Bilayer
Folding of small proteins: A matter of geometry?
Folding of the Protein Domain hbSBD
Folding thermodynamics of peptides
Folding thermodynamics of three beta-sheet peptides: A model study
Food Quality in Producer-Grazer Models: A Generalized Analysis
Food web framework for size-structured populations
Food Webs: Experts Consuming Families of Experts
Food-chain competition influences gene's size
Force and length-dependent catastrophe activities explain interphase microtubule organization in fission yeast
Force balance and membrane shedding at the Red Blood Cell surface
Force generation in small ensembles of Brownian motors
Force localization in contracting cell layers
Force Modulating Dynamic Disorder: Physical Theory of Catch-slip bond Transitions in Receptor-Ligand Forced Dissociation Experiments
Force steps during viral DNA packaging ?
Force transduction by the microtubule-bound Dam1 ring
Forced-unfolding and force-quench refolding of RNA hairpins
Forces between clustered stereocilia minimize friction in the ear on a subnanometre scale
Forces During Bacteriophage DNA Packaging and Ejection