Chloroplast microsatellites: measures of genetic diversity and the effect of homoplasy
Choosing the fittest as a speciation mechanism
Chromatin Folding in Relation to Human Genome Function
Chromosome Length Scaling in Haploid, Asexual Reproduction
Chromosome Oscillations in Mitosis
Cicada's wings as determinant factor for the sound emission: The case of \textit{Quesada gigas}
Circular Stochastic Fluctuations in SIS Epidemics with Heterogeneous Contacts Among Sub-populations
Cis-Regulatory Modules Drive Dynamic Patterns of a Multicellular System
Clades, clans and reciprocal monophyly under neutral evolutionary models
Classes of fast and specific search mechanisms for proteins on DNA
Classification Framework and Structure-Activity-Relationship (SAR) of Tetracycline-Structure-Based Drugs
Classification of arrayCGH data using a fused SVM
Classification of capped tubular viral particles in the family of Papovaviridae
Classification of life by the mechanism of genome size evolution
Classification of molecular sequence data using Bayesian phylogenetic mixture models
Classification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae promoter regions into distinct chromatin classes reveals the existence of nucleosome-depleted hotspots of transcription factor occupancy
Classification of Supersecondary Structures in Proteins Using the Automated Protein Structure Analysis Method
CLeFAPS: Fast Flexible Alignment of Protein Structures Based on Conformational Letters
CLePAPS: Fast Pair Alignment of Protein Structures Based on Conformational Letters
CLEVER: Clique-Enumerating Variant Finder